
Privacy on Facebook is the biggest problem now a days, especially for girls today are going to learn in the privacy settings Urdu. With so many programs available on the Internet through which one can easily manipulate the images it is very important that you only share photos with close friends and family only. Often the exchange of images such as wedding photos or holiday snaps taken on the birthday party and we do not want to share with our office or college friends.
The Solution is

With the continuous increase the quality of the camera and people use smartphones to capture images directly from their smartphones and share instantly on Facebook, a very dangerous thing because you can not control the privacy of images from your phone unless you have installed the application of .

Download this Android application, designed in a way how long it will take a picture of the smartphone will be encrypted immediately and gives you options to share it with people just want to share. It also contains an amazing feature of the deadline, which deleted the picture after the passage of some time out of your schedule, which means privacy safer.

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Hi, I am Muhammad Adeel. I Love to know more and more about Latest Tech.

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