11 Tips to Increase Alexa Rank of your Blog | Viva Tricks

Alexa is one of the many ways to evaluate the traffic of any site or blog, and mainly used by advertisers. But now a days there is a continuing uproar among bloggers to compete with each other, as compiled by Alexa. Amazingly some bloggers to easily achieve high Alexa rating with low traffic and sometimes it seems that the rankings are not 100% authentic. Although the rankings are not my suggestion directly to traffic your blog but still it can give you an idea of how successful your its website.

How Alexa Rank Works?

Before we move on to the highest point of a secret how to increase Alexa rank of your blog and this is important to understand how it works Alexa Rank. Here is what they say.
The Alexa Traffic Rank is calculated after collecting aggregated data from Alexa Toolbar users over the period of three months. The metric combines the amount of page views and user traffic. Traffic and page views are calculated per day, and then calculated from the average of these two numbers after time.

Top Secrets to Increase Alexa Rank of your Blog

#1: Install Alexa Tool Bar on your Computer

Navigate to the site now and Alexa toolbar installed without wasting any time. This is the most easiest thing to do in order to enhance your rank. Also make sure to visit your blog more frequently in a single day by these tools.

#2: Install Alexa Widget on your blog

Alexa, put a widget on your blog also help them to track traffic to your blog. Not a difficult thing to do, just visit their website, register for a free account and grab a piece of your own.

#3: Claim your site on Alexa

It is better to claim your blog with keywords related to your niche blog. Claiming helps them to keep track of your blog better, and thus increases the rank your site.

#4: Bring Traffic from Facebook and webmasters Forums

In the myth that if you get more traffic from your Facebook from your Alexa rating will improve. Well I personally think it works and ever when my blog gets traffic from Facebook improves my rank. Also tried to be active in forums We also are visiting these forums mostly by bloggers often have the Alexa toolbar installed in their systems.

#5: Update your blog daily on same Time

Try to update your blog daily, and I know it very difficult to, but not difficult if your blog is about technology or related news. Your posts as published at the same time.

#6: Ask your friends to review your blog on Alexa

It's generally a good idea to ask your friends to leave a quick review of quite a bit of your blog on Alexa.

#7: Ask you blog visitors to install Alexa Toolbar

It is very difficult to ask your visitors to do so, but if they can from a good boost to your rank.

#8: Post daily at 12 Mid Night

Believe it or not posting 23:59 (11:59 PM) midnight helps you rank better. If you were not have tried this after they try it for yourself and see the tragic outcome.

#9: Submit your posts to Social media sites

Some bloggers are very lazy when it comes to delivering their posts to social media sites. In an attempt to make your posts to multiple social media sites as possible.

#10: Attract more bloggers and webmasters to your blog

Why? Because most bloggers have installed the Alexa toolbar in the system, and when they visit on her blog a new batch of your arrangement.

#11: Leave Comment on websites which rank higher in Alexa

Find blogs related to your blog niche and between all of these website Find blogs that already ranked higher on Alexa. In an attempt to visit this blog daily and leave a comment.

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Hi, I am Muhammad Adeel. I Love to know more and more about Latest Tech.

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